This was originally written as a rant that I threw together in a few minutes. It wasn't intended to be written particularly well, as it was to demonstrate how simple it is to throw something together in a pinch and host your own livestream content.
This is how streaming worked before the Youtube and Twitch takeover. Zero Javashit required. In no more than 3K. This is the way it should be. You can do some very neat things with this technology. It's too bad most creators still fuck with Youtube/Twitch and their bullshit. People try to tell you this but you don't listen. You listen to Microsoft. You listen to FaceBook. You listen to Google.
Some people are lucky because they were forced to mess with old computers and servers from a young age. Digging through abandonware and obsolete systems. Because of this they have the unique opportunity to truly understand that what Google/Facebook/M$ peddles now is a downgrade from what we had a decades ago. We have come such a long way since then. So much farther. We have the technology, just only a select few use it. Not Google/Facebook/M$. They are going in the opposite direction. More closed down, non-interoperable, and bloated systems.
They want to downgrade the experience in order to monetize it. Because the truth is convenience is actually here, just well hidden by adversaries like Google. All good things are buried by big tech. You have to be well read, a good inspector, or just old.
The old nets are still alive, they just aren't in a central index, so sometimes we feel alone. But that Web's meant for crawling. People like me get curious.
This is MY site. I control this and nobody can take this down except me. I don't have to agree to some bullshit Terms Of Service, Privacy Policy, End User License Agreement, or any other bullcrap. I control my own soap box. Not Google. Not Facebook. And Certainly not the government.